There is a lot of talk about self-care at the moment, and it certainly seems to be a buzz word for 2020, but it’s important to give the term the respect that it deserves. Whatever we’re calling it, self-care, self love, or simply being kind to yourself, it really could be the smallest change to your life that has the BIGGEST impact.

Caring for yourself should be at the heart of everything we do, because let’s face it, if we’re not taking care of ourselves, we can’t really be effectively caring for anyone or anything else. It’s simply not sustainable. It can be the hardest thing for so many people, but we really believe it’s the best place to start on a journey to a happier you. Give yourself the gift of 10 minutes meditation, a long bath, a home cooked meal or even a simple, slow breath in and out again. Start small and manageable, and work your way up to something truly wonderful.

Need a little help? Here are some of our favourite things to help get you started.

LEON Happy Cookbooks

Happiness starts on the inside! Give your body a real treat with these healthy recipes, with ingredients to help boost your happiness levels.

Seoulista Rosy Glow Primer & Charcoal Detox

Treat your skin with these heavenly face masks, even if you only have 5 minutes!

Beauty Chef - Antioxidant Inner Beauty Boost

We’ve long been fans of this Australian brand who believe beauty begins in the belly, by harnessing their unique Flora Culture (TM) bio-fermentation process. Start with their Antioxidant Inner Beauty Boost to give your immune system an added boost*.

Hobo + Co - Scented Candles

Light one of these deliciously scented candles and take a deep breath out, then in again, and let your body release the tension of the day.

REN Moroccan Rose Collection

Roses are great and all, but we know what we'd rather enjoy this Valentine's Day. The dreamy scent of the Moroccan Rose Collection from REN will help you to wash away the stresses of everyday life.

We hope you enjoy giving yourself the gift of true love.

Lots of LOVE, The Jo&Co Team.


And remember  - Love yourself for life, and not just for Valentine's Day!


*Always read the label before taking.
February 10, 2020 — Joanna Eldridge

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